decentraland worlds
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Decentraland Introduces World Beta

The first decentralized metaverse, Decentraland, has announced the introduction of the Decentraland World Beta. It is a world where users can own 3D Space in the Metaverse. It will enable users to build, host events, experiment, and have interactive experiences without being Landowners.

According to Decentraland, the Worlds are personal virtual spaces different from Genesis City. These spaces are available to users at no additional cost. All a user requires to own this space is a “Decentraland NAME to create, experiment, and host events in.”

What to Know about the World Beta

The World Beta are four parcel-large spaces associated with Decentraland NAMES existing separately from Genesis City and its LANDs system. It is worth mentioning that this new feature is currently available in its beta version. 

It is available to all who have a Decentraland NAME NFT in the DCL ecosystem. A name NFT is assigned to the users’ LAND or avatar, and it costs 100 $MANA to create. You can also buy it from a previous owner on the Marketplace. With a NAME, you can own your World.

 Owners of these spaces can shape them however they like. They can create a neon-lit nightclub or a grassy meadow and invite others to visit. It is crucial to mention that you cannot sell or trade Worlds. That is because they are designed to serve as a destination for Decentraland citizens, to create, experiment, and host numerous events.

How to Enter a World

You need a special URL or a command in the Decentraland in-world chat box to access Worlds with scenes deployed in them. Here are the simple steps to enter into a World:

  • Use the URL – into the search bar on your browser and click “Enter. You should replace NAME with the Decentraland NAME connected to the World you want to enter.
  • You can also enter a World through the in-world chat box on the website. To do this, click on “Enter” to launch the chat box. Next, type in the command – /changerealm NAME.dcl.eth and click on “Enter” again to gain access.

How do you activate your World?

Worlds Beta is currently available to everyone with a NAME, and you can activate the World associated with your Decentraland NAME. To do this, use the SDK command line tool to deploy a scene. You should change the targeted content server while doing this.

As mentioned, you can create a NAME in the Builder or buy a pre-existing one from the marketplace. It costs 100 $MANA to create a NAME.

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