aqua tank
Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Earn Marine-Pet NFTs Lifetime Rewards on Aqua Tank Metaverse

AN RPG Strategy game, Aqua Tank, has announced an exciting development on its metaverse. Users on the platform now have the opportunity to earn Marine Pet NFTs Lifetime Rewards.

According to the platform, the lifetime yield generation is driven by an innovative mechanism designed to redistribute yields to sustain the growth of the metaverse’s token.

The growth maintenance of the $AQUA token is premised on the increase in marginal utility rate via deflationary mechanics usage. This is expected to periodically reduce the token circulation to maintain the price of the token. 

More Highlights on the Marine Pet NFTs Lifetime Rewards

The Aqua Tank Lifetime Reward generation offers a continuous sum of returns constantly for an unlimited period. Users can accomplish the lifelong reward by entering a marine pet, Tuttle, Octopus, or Fish NFTs at the forum of the protocol.

According to the game metaverse, all NFTs resident on Aqua Tank possesses a high degree of cinematics with heightened precision on graphics details. Suffice to mention that cinematic mode enables users with low computer performance to render visuals of the project in very high quality. 

aqua tank

How to become Eligible for the Lifetime Reward NFTs

To qualify for the lifetime rewards, participants must have a minimum of one island NFT. The NFTs must be in their metamask wallet. Based on the availability of the NFTs, users become eligible for a particular marine-pet NFTs. The NFTs they can be eligible for include Fish, Octopus, or Turtle lifetime reward.

It is also worth mentioning that random probability features are embedded in the smart contract. As soon as a user gets the option to mint a special marine-pet NFTs to get the designated NFTs, they will receive the rewards within 24 hours and this reward will be for a lifetime.

For instance, if a user gets the change to mint Fish NFTs, they receive a 3.25% return, which is $162.5. They will receive the NFTs in 24 hours. All that is required is to stake $5k worth of tokens to get started.

What to Know About the Lifetime Reward NFTs Distribution

When you lock your tokens to mint lifetime reward NFTs, the marine-pet NFTs you create are distributed in the following ration:

  • Reward Pool: 75%
  • Treasury: 25%
  • Liquidity Pool: 10%

You will receive all accrued rewards every 24 hours you claim a reward. 

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