Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Happy Hippos Announces the Launch of Hungry Hippo on January 4, 2022

Happy Hippos, an NFT-based game platform, has announced the launch of its play-to-earn game, Hungry Hippo. The game will launch today, January 4, 2022, and is currently officially available for download on both Google Play Store and App Store

Suffice to mention that the game was developed by Infinity8io. Happy Hippos game is a unique collection of 8,888 NFTs that are randomly programmatically AI-generated NFT tokens stored on the Ethereum Blockchain. These 8,888 Hippos have been assembled from more than one million options.

Highlights of the Hungry Hippo Game

Hungry Hippo is an NFT-based, play-to-earn game that is themed around the hippopotamus. The game contains the first generation of 8888 NFT Hippos with more than a million options of traits and unique characters. All Hippos are cool. However, those with the complete look are the coolest. 

To make your Hippos the coolest, you have to increase their attributes by purchasing costumes, hats, glasses, and beards, among others for them. Another unique thing about the game is its cause. When you buy a Hippos NFT, the game platform donates on your behalf to a wildlife foundation. 

happy hippos game

This foundation has been established to protect hippopotamuses that live in their natural habitat of Africa. You also get a certificate of adoption of a real hippopotamus when you purchase a Hippos NFT. The goal of the game is for you to adopt a Hungry Hippo, feed it, and take care of it. 

Anyone can download and play the Hungry Hippo game. However, only Happy Hippos NFT holders will gain access to exclusive benefits as the game progresses.

How to get the Happy Hippos NFTs

Happy Hippos NFTs are available for purchase and adoption on The first step is to sign up and create a user account on the platform. Next, wait for the announcement on the pre-sale date and time, which will be disclosed only to account holders on the platform. 

If you do not sign up for an account, you may purchase your Happy Hippos NFTs during the Public Sale event. The price for the pre-sale is 0.06 ETH while the price for public sale is 0.088 ETH. Interested buyers can purchase the Happy Hippos through Crypto, Metamask, PayPal, or Credit Card.

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