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Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Immutable Proposes Free Gas for Its Players

Gas fees in blockchain transactions have been a constant challenge for web3 game developers, significantly impacting the user experience. Immutable, the force behind the successful game Gods Unchained, recognized this issue and took steps to eliminate gas fees for players on Immutable X. Now, they are extending this initiative to Passport, aiming to make zkEVM gas-free for players.

Its experience with Gods Unchained revealed the financial burden and disruption caused by gas fees, leading to the decision to eliminate them. In collaboration with Polygon, Immutable Passport will enable games and marketplaces on Immutable zkEVM to sponsor gas fees for users seamlessly, creating a frictionless gaming experience. This move is expected to be a game-changer, removing a significant obstacle for players and fostering a more immersive gaming environment.

Gas fees, representing the computational effort in blockchain transactions, have been a necessary evil for smart contract blockchains. However, introducing these fees for in-game actions has been detrimental to both players and developers. The zkEVM, with its advanced gas reduction tools, aims to minimize costs, ensuring economic viability for game studios.

immutable polygon

Immutable Wants Gas for Everyone

Game studios are projected to bear minimal costs, akin to traditional server expenses, when they sponsor gas fees. This encourages games to sponsor gas fees, considering it an investment in user acquisition, conversion, and overall revenue.

To prevent potential issues with gas fees as the platform scales. zkEVM efficiently handles operations at a large scale. If chain capacity becomes a concern, Immutable has mechanisms to increase it and maintain optimal performance.

The sponsorship process involves using the smart wallet of Immutable Passport. Passport’s relay functionality allows third parties to sponsor gas for players, facilitating on-chain actions without impacting users with gas fees. Games can configure various parameters for sponsorships and optimize their spending on gas subsidies over time.

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