My Pet Arena Teaser and Marketplace Version 1
Editor's picks Press Release

My Defi Pet Releases Arena Teaser and Marketplace Version 1

My Defi Pet issues the teaser of the alpha version of the Arena in its recent press update. As part of this update, it also outlines its plans for the marketplace version 1. Announcement of this new releases comes via My Defi Pet Medium Page. Here are the details of Arena teaser and official marketplace update.

Arena Teaser and Marketplace Version 1 Set for Official Release

The Marketplace Version 1 is set for official release. This is a significant step towards the development of the game. Pet masters will now be able to trade their digital assets much easier and faster. To access it, visit this URL: Despite being the official version of the marketplace, Version 1 is not the final version.

In this regards, MDP will be taking feedbacks from their community members. These feedbacks will help in the build of Version 2 of the in-game market.

The reason fot building this in-game marketplace is the launch of the Arena’s alpha version. With a place to trade within the game, the Arena mode will offer better gameplay experience. Despite the Arena teaser, Defi Pet did not really further details of its drop.

Other Changes in the New Build Update

Defi Pet Ice Cage

As with earlier announcements, My Defi Pet is permanently closing the hunting grounds. Therefore, Pet masters should withdraw their pets to their inventory. The game will be introducing the Intro Expedition to replace the Hunting House. With this feature, players will be able to collect food and new materials for Cage & Building in version 2.

MDP will be postponing the feature that shows element cages in the shop. The reason is that players need resources to buy element cages. However, resources are scarce. Hence the postponement. On a final note, Defi Pet will be changing the skins of all models and art styles. This is part of its long term plans to improve gameplay experience.

About My DeFi Pet

My DeFi Pet is a a virtual pet game that combines DeFi, collectibles and your own personality. “My DeFi Pet” is the initiative for their vision of a mass adoption blockchain game. The name encompasses the three characteristics of the game: “Pet” raising game, “DeFi” features integrated, and “My” personalization.

The native digital cryptographically-secured utility token of My DeFi Pet (DPET token) is a transferable representation of attributed functions specified in the protocol/code of My DeFi Pet, and which is designed to be used solely as an interoperable utility token on the platform. My DeFi Pet is operated on Supported Network including Binance Smart Chain and KardiaChain.

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