Rebellion Splinterlands New Game Pre-Sale
Blockchain Games Card Editor's picks Play to Earn

Rebellion Pre-Sale Announced: A New Era in Splinterlands

The Splinterlands community is abuzz with the announcement of its fifth core edition, Rebellion. This expansion promises to take the game to an entirely new level with exciting features that will empower players and increase their engagement in the world of card battles.

Rebellion is not just a new collection of cards; it is a bold statement of the game’s ongoing evolution.

With a total of 96 cards in the set, including two limited-edition promotional cards available exclusively during the pre-sale, and nine “Legendary airdropcards distributed through a reinvented system, this edition promises to surprise players with a range of new strategic possibilities.

The pre-sale of the game will begin on October 18th at 2:00 PM Eastern Time (18:00 UTC) and will extend for 30 days or until the 500,000 available packs are sold out.

Rebellion Pre-Sale Cards Blockchain Games Splinterlands

Each game’s pack will contain five randomly selected cards, with at least one rare card guaranteed. The base price for a pack is 5000 Credits or 5000 DEC, and players can take advantage of additional discounts using VOUCHER tokens.

The release of will also bring rule changes, as the “Untamed” series will no longer be allowed in Modern format battles once “Rebellion” is in play.

Rebellion Rankings and Airdrops Announced

Furthermore, the most committed players will have the opportunity to design a Legendary Summoner card if they are among the top six in purchasing the most pre-sale packs.

The top 250 players on the pre-sale leaderboard will receive in-game titles based on their position.

The airdrop reward system is also being revamped with “Rebellion” through the introduction of “Conflicts,” a system that allows players to stake unopened “Rebellion” packs and cards to earn exclusive rewards.

Rebellion breathes new life into the game with the introduction of four new unit abilities: “Armored Strike,” “Corrosive Ward,” “Flank,” and “Lookout.”

Additionally, some Summoners will be dual-element, allowing them to summon cards from two elements on the same team.

Rebellion will also feature “Summoner Tactics,” a mechanic where players can choose between two sets of advantages or disadvantages after both players reveal their teams.

The pre-sale promises to be an exciting event that will take Splinterlands players to a new level of strategy and competition. Get ready for an exhilarating journey through this ever-evolving world as the doors to rebellion swing wide open.

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