Axie Infinity Releases the Homeland Ragoon Guide
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Axie Infinity Releases the Homeland Ragoon Guide

While announcing the launch of Homeland Alpha Season 3, Axie highlighted a feature that enables players to steal leaderboard points. Despite sharing insights into this attribute, the team did not give complete details of what it is account. Instead, Axie Infinity promised to release the complete SpyX Ragoon Guide in the coming days.

Keeping to its promise, Axie Infinity is sharing comprehensive information about this new gameplay addition. The tutorial includes a brief history of these creatures and how players can use them. It will also share details on how users can avoid falling victim to these spies.

Details of the Axie Homeland Ragoon Guide

The Ragoon is a native Lunacian creature that is able to change its shape and form. This creature resides in large groups around areas like the Pink Node that have abundant resources. However, these animals sometimes visit the Ragoon Springs in search of more resources.

Players who want to own a Ragoon can visit this place and offer resources to them. In exchange, these creatures can disguise themselves as adventurers and help them spy on other users. In addition, these animals can also steal passive leaderboard points from other contestants.

All an individual needs to do is provide the animal with the resources necessary for spying on a particular class, quality, and level of Axie. After giving the creature all that they need, select the player you want them to spy on. It will infiltrate another user’s adventure list and collect as many leaderboard points as possible if it remains undetected.

Details of the Axie Homeland Ragoon Guide

This means that the opposing player must engage your disguised Ragoon in battle instead of expelling it. If this happens, the opponent will lose the leaderboard points that they accumulate from that duel. The animal will then return to you after gathering all possible points.

Meanwhile, the Axie Homeland Ragoon Guide also points out that other players can equally spy on you. In this case, players can use a Spy Tool to investigate an adventurer that they suspect to be a Ragoon in disguise. If the adventure is a spy, their true nature will be revealed, and the sender will lose all the resources he or she gave the Ragoon.

Details of the Axie Homeland Ragoon Guide 2

Meanwhile, players can always expel an adventurer that they suspect of being a spy in disguise. However, the detection instrument remains more efficient. Individuals can get the Spy Detection tool by completing daily and weekly quests.

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