Blockchain Games Editor's picks

BombCrypto Organizes BombCrypto 2 Video Creator Event

In celebrating its one month’s release, a blockchain-based play-to-earn bomber game, BombCrypto, organizes an event it calls BombCrypto 2 Video Creator event to appreciate its community. A total of $800 USDT AND 10 NFT Heroes are earmarked for the prize pool in the event.

Interested participants are required to create a unique idea, make a gameplay tutorial or a review video about BombCrypto 2 on their Twitch or YouTube channel. The event is slated to start on August 8 and ends on August 18. The distribution of rewards will be done on August 23.

Highlights of Prizes Distributions

The 1st 500 forms with a video attached submitted during the timeframe for the event will be selected. The team will save the forms until the end to add up the results based on the prerequisites of the event and prizes. Here are the details of the prizes distributions:

  • 1st Prize: This goes to the video with the most views and likes. The reward for this is $400 USDT and 4 Heroes Boxes.
  • 2nd Prize: This goes to the video with the second highest views and likes. The reward for the second position is $200 USDT and 3 Hero Boxes.
  • 3rd Prize: The video that made it to third place in views and likes will receive the reward of $100 USDT and 1 Hero Box.
  • 4th – 5th Prizes: Videos with the 4th and 5th volumes of views and likes will receive $50 USDT and 1 Hero Box each.


What are the Requirements of the Event?

  • Make a review video and use #Bombcrypto2, #Happy1monthlaunching, and #Bomb on your Twitch or YouTube Channel.
  • Subscribe to the YouTube channel of BombCrypto
  • Follow the game platform on Twitter to get the announcements of winners
  • Fill out your details and video link on the Google form provided on the platform

Each wallet address is eligible to send only one video clip. Using spam to send multiple video clips will get you disqualified. You must upload your video on your Twitch or YouTube channel from the start of the event, which is August 8.

Videos will not be accepted after this date. BombCrypto emphasizes that the event is not restricted to any category of participants or language. You can use your native language to create the video but it is recommended that you use English subtitles to ensure higher viewership.

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