Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Faraland Introduces Skill Slot Features

Following the release of the 0.2.12 Version of Faraland, the game metaverse announces the release of numerous new fascinating features. One of the biggest features and the selling point is the Skill Book function.

The multiplayer RPNG NFT-based game metaverse on BSC has the goal to consistently diversify its in-game Skill system and it is introducing new mechanisms that let players interact with the Skill Books and Skill Trees of heroes in the game. This is to offer players extensive flexibility when it comes to switching game strategies.

How Players Can Make Changes to the Learned Skills of a Hero

The data and basic stats of Heroes are stored on-chain. That means players must visit the official website of Faraland to get their heroes to learn skills. Suffice to mention that the in-game Skill picking mechanism allows gamers to switch between skills that hero has previously learned in the game.

These include a maximum of two Skills from the Skill Books and three Skills in the Skill Tree. The switch possibility will depend on the desired strategy of the player and the matching formation. It is worth mentioning that gamers can equip two Skill Books into their games but can only use only one of the Skills.


When you use one Skill, the other will be disabled automatically. Players must decide on the Skill Book to use depending on their specific scenarios. Additionally, players must select passive skills in the match for effectiveness. Each passive skill takes one in every five skill slots.

Steps to Change the Learned Skills of Your Hero

Step 1: Go to the official website of Faraland and on your main UI, click on the Heroes button

Step 2: You will see the Hero’s skill illustrated underneath the equipment showing matching three Skills from the Skill Tree and two Skills from the Skill Books. You can click the “+” button to select skills.

Step 3: Select your preferred skill and the slot for it. Next, click the “Pick” button to confirm your selection. This completes the selection of your preferred Skill. The next step is to launch a battle and get into the excitement.

Faraland is an NFT-based role-playing strategy war game on iOS and Android. Players in the game control different characters of seven races. These are Humans, Elves, Orcs, Angels, Demons, Dragonborn, and Fairies. Each race has unique agility, intelligence, abilities, and strengths to battle against other players in the Faraland universe.

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