gold fever
Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Gold Fever Releases New Updates on Game of Diggers and Dev Evolution

Gold Fever, a free-to-play survival RPG NFT-based game platform, has released new updates on its game platform.

These updates cover Game of Diggers, Beta Access, and Dev Evolution. Here are the highlights of the updates made on the game platform.

Highlights of the Status of GoD

Gold Fever has also announced that the Game of Digger event will close based on the initially announced date. There may be some adjustments to the playable weeks, which will depend on available qualified NGL holders. 

It is worth mentioning that the prizes for the Game of Diggers will remain as announced. The game platform has also announced that holders of up to 500 NGL will access Beta Access when the GoD is released. They may also get testnet JULs, NFTs, or NGLs without feedback or bug hunting obligations.

Highlights of Technical Advances in Feature Progress

Gold Fever has completed some important features, while some are almost completed. Here are the highlights of the feature progress on the game platform.

gold fever

  • Addition of NFT management for a third party: This has been completed, and players can now add other wallets to manage their building.
  • Gas Station: This has also been completed, which means players no longer have to worry about fees or glitches. The gas station now works smoothly.
  • Collateral Contract: This is also completed, and the only part remaining is the UI.
  • Linux Servers Optimizations: Gold Fever initially focused on Windows servers, but it is currently working on optimizing the Linux servers to provide smoother gameplay for all players.
  • Mining Claims: This is an important loop and feature of the game, and they are almost completed. The Gold extraction and Queuing, and Entering/Exiting Arena are currently being tested. While there are a couple of bugs remaining, the platform plans to make faster progress to get this ready.
  • Gold Fever plans to revamp the backend infrastructure code of its game to improve scalability and migrate from DynamoDB to MongoDB.
  • The platform is currently addressing issues relating to the exchange of extracted Gold nuggets and flakes for $NGL.

Highlights of Bug Fixes

Some severe bugs are currently being worked on by the team. Here are some important bugs that are being actively worked on:

  • Inventory not correctly showing items
  • Removing a corpse that does not offer anything but despawn the body
  • Players can add dead animals back to the stable
  • A visual glitch in carrying bodies
  • Failed registration for some quests
  • Clipping issues with assassination performance from trees

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