How Buy Star Atlas NFTs
Editor's picks Opinion

How to buy Star Atlas NFTs

Less than 24 hours ago, Star Atlas shared glimpses of the VZUS opod via a video on Twitter. It joins a stream of several other teasers hinting to players what is to come. Before then, the team announced the Star Atlas Announces Central Space Station Land Sale. These digital assets are crucial towards joining gameplay. This guide is for you if you want to buy the VZUS or other Star Atlas NFTs.

Earlier on, we discussed the cost of playing this strategy and space exploration blockchain game. In that piece, we will outline the most critical assets necessary to begin your cosmic journey. From the Fimbul Airbikes and Spaceships to the Space Stations, Weapons and other accessories. This time, we will direct interest users on safe and efficient ways to obtain these non-fungible tokens.

Where to Buy Star Atlas NFTs

Currently, there are two safe ways to obtain Star Atlas digital assets. They include the Star Atlas Marketplace and OpenSea. Before showing how to buy these items, we will briefly outline the pros and cons of using either platform.

Star Atlas Official Marketplace

This is the official in-game trading platform. Assets are listed for sale by users, and interested persons place bids. Exchange occurs when both parties reach an agreement.


Below are the upsides of using the official platform:

  • Regular discounted sales take place, and players can get assets at a bargain.
  • Prices are negotiable, and players are not forced to pay exorbitant prices.
  • Listing is done with $USDC – which is a stablecoin.


Despite its benefits, this marketplace has the following downsides:

  • Slow completion of sale. Sometimes, bids can remain unanswered for months.
  • Digital assets on this platform are often limited. Many items are not available for sale.

Buy Star Atlas NFTs


OpenSea remains the largest NFT marketplace and users can use it to buy Star Atlas NFTs. Before making a purchase, understand the following pros and cons.


  • There are a wide variety of assets and users will most likely get what they want.
  • Besides the official store, users can trade with other players.


  • Price is set in $ETH, whose price is quite volatile.
  • The gas fees for Ethereum transactions are also costly.
  • Trading with other players is risky, and you can easily get defrauded if you are not careful.

How to Buy Star Atlas NFTs

Depending on the platform you are using, follow these steps o purchase the digital asset you want to buy

  • Visit the trading platform (Official Marketplace or OpenSea).
  • Connect your blockchain Wallet.
  • Ensure that you have the required cryptocurrency for purchase. Also, include the gas or transaction fee.
  • Navigate to the NFT you want to buy.
  • Make an offer to the seller or check for a seller whose offer matches the amount you are willing to pay.
  • Pay the specified amount and the asset will be delivered to your wallet.

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