Dope Wars is a hip-hop-themed role-playing game that is similar to the Grand Theft Auto franchise. Players get to take on the identity of “hustlers” and begin their journey into the underground world. Users can...
NFT Worlds is a customized, decentralized, community-driven metaverse game project. The project takes inspiration from the colossal open worlds of Minecraft and offers collectors and players an opportunity to buy NFTs. These NFTs represent the expansive...
Genopets is a blockchain game that rewards people for living a healthy lifestyle. It utilizes the move-to-earn mechanism and compensates users for every step that they take within a day. It is also one of...
Built on the Avalanche network, Crabada is one of the most played play-to-earn games on the network. While it is a simple game, it features more mechanics that differentiate it from others. It offers many...
Gensokishi is a blockchain-based play-to-earn game inspired by the renowned MMORPG game, Elemental Knights. Gensokishi aims to create an online economy and metaverse where gamers can create, sell, and buy in-game assets, land, and characters....
Since the launch of Tennis for Two sometime in 1958, video games have changed the gaming preference of a generation. Video games have taken over the world of entertainment, with games like Minecraft, League of...
Crazy Kings by Animoca Brands is a card-based tower defense game where gamers have to defend villages from hordes of evil minions. Players must build a Battle Deck with Hero, Tower, and Spell Cards and battle...
Less than 24 hours ago, Star Atlas shared glimpses of the VZUS opod via a video on Twitter. It joins a stream of several other teasers hinting to players what is to come. Before then,...
Faraland is a turn-based Role-Playing Game where players personify the characters of the fairy tale universe with different races and an organized job system. Built on blockchain technology, the game records all item transactions on...
REVV Racing is an NFT-based arcade simulation car racing game built on the Polygon blockchain by Animoca brands. The game is the newest addition to REVV Motorsport, the ecosystem of motorsport blockchain-based games from the...