Fabwelt (WELT)

Fabwelt (WELT) is a company responsible for creating video games under blockchain technology and the Play-To-Earn system. The intention of their creations is that they are highly entertaining and high-quality games so that users can have fun, be entertained and also be able to earn rewards while playing.

The company has a variety of genres to appeal to all types of gamers, including 3D First Person Shooters, Action-adventures games, Simulation games, Strategy games, Fantasy gaming, and many others.

Each user has full ownership of their NFT, with which they can play, sell, farm and even staking in order to obtain more rewards. And the best part is that Fabwelt keeps updating and adding new features and games to its platform every day.


0.0051 USD$ 1.12%
0.00 USD$
24h Range
0.00 USD$

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