Editor's picks Opinion

When will we See a Fully Developed Metaverse?

The metaverse remains a hot topic in the tech world, with Microsoft and Facebook staking claims. The anticipation surrounding this evolution continues to fuel the topic, with many questions popping up daily on issues relating to the metaverse. One such question is the timeline for the development of the metaverseWhen will the metaverse get here? 

When will it fully materialize? The author of the 199 science fiction novel, Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson is believed to have coined the term “metaverse” in his book. In the book, he talked about lifelike avatars in realistic 3D buildings and other VR environments. 

Over the years, the tech world has witnessed different developments on the path to actualizing the real metaverse. It is an online digital world incorporating virtual reality, augmented reality, video, 3D holographic avatars, and other communication means. With the expansion of the metaverse, there will be a hyper-real alternative universe where people can coexist.

virtual reality

When Can We Expect to See it Fully Developed?

According to the CEO of Meta (Facebook), Mark Zuckerberg, it may take five to ten years to see the core features in the mainstream. However, some aspects already exist. Virtual reality headsets, a consistent always-on online world, and ultra-fast broadband speeds are already running, even if they are not accessible to everyone yet. 

Other experts believe it may take a little longer for the concept to fully infiltrate and intertwine with the economic, geographic, transportation, political, and social disruption of tectonic-level moves in energy demands and climate change. According to these experts, the technology to build a fully immersive metaverse will come to life by 2040.

Before then, there will be a significant growth emphasis on working and living “in place” for elites who fully take part in the emergent digitally-enhanced social lives and digital work communities. These elites are estimated to be about half a billion globally. 

What Will it Look Like?

The metaverse will encompass every area of life. It will spill over into entertainment, arts, sports, health care delivery, virtual travel, training, and more. The tech world is currently seeing the metaverse at work in different areas. Many tech giants are at the forefront of this development. They include Meta, Microsoft, Roblox, Epic Games, and Minecraft. 

While the primary focus is on games today, the metaverse is gradually expanding into other areas, and profit motives are pushing major investments in advancing the tools. As it progresses, more people will come to realize the impressive use of the metaverse and will want to explore it.

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