chimeras game INO
Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Chimeras Game Goes into a Strategic Partnership with Babylons and TofuNFT to Launch its Initial NFTs Offerings (INO)

Chimeras, a next-gen mobile play-to-earn and free-to-play game with integrated NFTs and DeFi Farming partners with Babylons, the first community-governed blockchain gaming aggregator, and tofuNFT, an NFT marketplace for Collectibles and GameFi in the Polygon and BSC, to launch its INO. 

More about the Chimeras INO on Babylons’ Platform

The first event is scheduled to take place at 12:00 PM UTC on November 23rd, 2021 on Babylons platform. According to the information on website, two categories of limited edition packs have been earmarked for listing to be available for sale at the event. 

The first category consists of the common packs, which contain 275 units while the second is the rare packs, containing 125 units. The common packs are listed at 50 $BUSD and they contain one chosen upgradable NFT character while the rare packs are listed at 290 $BUSD and contain two to five chosen upgradable NFT characters

There will be two sessions of sales on Babylons with the first accessible to only community members with 1000 $BABI for the common pack and 2000 $BABI for the rare packs. The second session will be available to interested participants without any holdings. The date of the second session will be announced through the platforms’ official channel.

chimeras INO

Chimeras INO on tofuNFT Platform

It is a back-to-back event for Chimeras as it partners with tofuNFT to hold its next INO the following day after the event with Babylons. The next INO will take place at 12:00 PM UTC on November 24 at the tofuNFT platform

There are two sets of NFTs packs that are also two sets of packs of NFTs that are available for sale. 275 packs are available at $50 per unit containing one chosen upgradable NFT character and 125 packs available at $290 per unit with two to five chosen upgradable NFT characters.

About Chimeras

Chimeras is a free-to-play and play-to-earn game metaverse that has entertainment at its core. It offers a minimal gas fee for game actions and players are rewarded with $CHIM tokens and NFT items when they win at games. 

These tokens and items can be used to breed creatures in the metaverse. It can also be used to build or trade the virtual land allocations in the game or used in battles.

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