cookie game nft
Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Cookie Game 9500 Bakers Minting Holds Today, December 17

Cookie Game, an on-chain competitive NFT-based idle game built on the Avalanche Blockchain, is set to hold its NFT minting today, December 17 at 10 pm UTC. There will be 9,500 bakers available for the minting. Each baker will be sold for 1.5 AVAX during the event. 

Suffice to mention that the total supply available for minting is 10,000 Bakers. However, 500 units have already been listed during the presale event that took place on DECEMBER 12 AT 9 pm UTC. During the presale event, a unit of Bakers was sold for 1.25 AVAX

The main sale, which takes place today, will see each Baker being sold for 1.5 AVAX during the event. According to the information available on the official game platform, interested participants have 95% of minting a Baker while they have a 5% chance of minting a Robot Baker.

Highlights of the Cookie Game Bakers Mint Event

During the event, participants can mint a maximum of 30 Bakers per time, which means if they want to mint more, they have to repeat the minting process. Bakers are utility NFTs that are primarily designed for playing the Cookie Game

The minting event will take place on the official Cookie Game platform but interested participants are required to sign up with Discord to be able to access the minting event. To participate in the event, participants should install Metamask on their accounts before the launch of the event. 

cookie game

What to Know about the Bakers

To play Cookie Game, players must own Bakers. That is why the first step towards participating in the game is the minting of Bakers, which takes place today, December 17. Minting of Bakers allows holders to collect passive $COOKIE tokens

10,000 Bakers are in supply with 500 of them being super rare Robot Bakers. These Bakers generate more $COOKIEs than the others. According to information provided in the Cookie Game whitepaper, the super rare Robot Bakers generate these tokens at a rate of 25-times faster than the standard Bakers.

Uses of the $COOKIE Tokens

When your Baker NFTs generate $COOKIEs, you get some benefits. First, you can use the token to upgrade your NFT or buy new ones to enable you to generate more $COOKIEs at a quicker pace. The $COOKIEs can also be listed on DEX and be traded. 

Additionally, when you stake $COOKIEs in the Pantry, you earn rewards that guarantee your ownership of earned $COOKIEs.

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