Elemon PVP Championship Season 5
Battle Royale Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Elemon Launches PVP Championship Season 5

Elemon has officially kickstarted the PVP Championship Season 5. The new series comes alongside Boss Guild Season 6. It also promises multiple amazing battles for every community member in November. There is also a significant prize pool for the best participants. This launch comes just days after the recently ended honorary tournament.

Details of the Elemon PVP Championship Season 5

The Elemon PVP Championship Season 5 will run from the 1st to the 30th of November 2022. Over the course of 30 days, users will compete against each other for the 5000 $BUSD worth of cashand NFT prizes. This includes the final leaderboard, in-game rewards and $ELCOIN bonuses. Besides the general leaderboard, there will also be prizes for first time achievers.

Part of this campaign is the general PVP championship. Below is a breakdown of the general ratings:

  • Gold 1 –  less than 1000 cup points
  • Gold 2 – 1000 to 1100 cup points
  • Gold 3 – 1101 to 1200 cup points
  • Platinum 1 – 1201 to 1300 cup points
  • Platinum 2 – 1301 to 1400 cup points
  • Platinum 3 – 1401 to 1500 cup points
  • Diamond 1 – 1501 to 1600 cup points
  • Diamond 2 – 1601 to 1800 cup points
  • Diamond 3 – 1801 to 2000 cup points
  • Legendary – 2001 cup points and above

Criteria For Participation

Elemon Top 100 PVP Tournament

Like prior editions, this new season will feature both the regular PVP Tournament and a new Championship mode. The standard PVP demands that players own an Almighty Stone or Energy to become eligible for participation. While the other ranking involves players challenging those within the 500 positions to a duel.

Players who want to join in must reach a minimum of level 15. They must also have at least 5 Elemons ready for battle. Once they have these requirements, interested participants must register at the Arena at the beginning of a season to register. Once they file in their interest, the system will allocate 1000 cup points to everyone.

There are a few things to note:

  • Guild must change their summon card before the start of the new season.
  • During gameplay, users are forbidden from hitting the same opponent more than 5 times in 30 minutes or more than 20 times in one day.
  • Players will lose 10 points and 10 Energy for every damage they deal. However, there will be no further deductions once the energy reaches 50.

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