Halloween VoxEdit Contest
Blockchain Games Editor's picks Virtual World

Sandbox Launches the Halloween VoxEdit Contest

Sandbox launches the Halloween Edition of VoxEdit Contest. This season, come and display your spookiest and scariest creature in the SandVerse. As usual, this promises to be a fun and rewarding experience for creators.

Speaking of benefits, there is a prize pool of 15,000 $SAND up for grabs. Here is what is in store for those participants with the best creative works:

  • 1st position: 6,000 $SAND
  • 2nd position: 3,500 $SAND;
  • 3rd position: 2,000 SAND;
  • 4th to 10th positions: 500 SAND each.

This contest will go live on the 17th of October. It will run till 11:59 PM UTC on the 31st of October. After the entry window closes, reviews and voting will occur between the 1st and 13th of November. Then the team will announce the winners on the 19th of November. Speaking of the process, it will be internal voting by The Sandbox team.

How to Participate in the Halloween VoxEdit Contest

To participate in this competition, follow these steps:

  • Using Gyazo, create a full animation of your asset in GIF format.
  • Once done, make a tweet, attach that document and tag @VoxEdit and @TheSandboxGame on Twitter. Also, include the #VoxEditWeekly hashtag in your post.
  • After sharing your tweet with the correct tags, complete your submission by filling out this Google Form. Failure to do so will render your entry invalid.

Important Details to Consider When Designing Your Entry

VoxEdit Dashboard

Before joining this Halloween Edition of the VoxEdit Contest, you must consider these guidelines:

  • Do not submit low-quality entries or lazily spammed works. Sandbox still retains the right to disqualify participants at their discretion.
  • Avoid claiming other people’s designs as your own. The team will quickly detect it and screen you out.
  • Speaking of creativity theft, your submission must be original. You cannot create a character from a film, book or carton.
  • If you are collaborating with an external brand to make a design, you can include their logo in their work. However, that asset cannot be listed on the Sandbox Marketplace.
  • You must use the VoxEdit software to create your character. Ensure to follow the contest guidelines while developing or submitting your work.
  • The asset you make must not exceed 5000 faces and 175 nodes.
  • The maximum size for all submissions is 512 voxels or 16 meters tall. At the same time, the floor print limit is 512 by 512 by 512.

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