Blockchain Brawlers PvP Phase FAQs
Battle Royale Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Blockchain Brawlers Issues PvP Phase FAQs

Blockchain Brawlers is issuing FAQs for the PvP phase. After announcing its plans to take gameplay to the next level, members of its community began asking questions. As such, it was vital that WAX addresses the concerns raised. This will also help to build anticipation and excitement toward the impending release.

To create a comprehensive document, the team selected the most asked questions with regard to the PvP phase. The communications team gathered the feedback from all social media channels. After which JustMike attended to every single one of them. By doing this, it will be able to provide answers to all updates and changes to the gameplay.

Blockchain Brawlers

Here are the most asked questions (FAQs) in regard to the Blockchain Brawlers PvP Phase:

What happens if players mine the max supply of BRWL earlier than originally anticipated?

If this should happen, players will have to be patient. As there may be a delay in regards to the release of the PvP. This is because game development is a complex process that encompasses diverse pipelines and business content. If there are changes to one aspect, it affects the whole system. However, the new release will definitely be worth the wait.

How will the “PvP Phase” of the game differ from the current version?

WAX Studios is putting maximum effort into the development to ensure that it becomes a great game. More so, it cannot wait to unveil this project to players. It will offer multiple options to players and allow them to own the gameplay of their choice. Furthermore, they will also get more opportunities to earn rewards.

Why will the “PvP Phase” make for better and more exciting gameplay experiences?

Users will actually be playing games, not merely mining a currency. This will make the playing experience even more exciting.

How will BRWL and Gold NFTs be used when the player vs. player game drops?

BRWL will get more utility when the PvP game drops. Gamers will use them for the crafting process. WAX is also advising players against selling their tokens. As they may not be able to mine it once the “Mining Phase” is over. As for the Gold NFTs, it may become a necessary requirement for participating in future competitions.

How do new players get into the game once the “Mining Phase” is over and the “PvP Phase” begins?

There is no doubt that those who are engaging in the mining phase will have a clear advantage over new players who will join when this version is over. However, Blockchain Brawlers will offer a free edition to appeal to them. Furthermore, they can still purchase certain assets if they want to engage in the P2E gameplay

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