Mist Pre Alpha Login Guide
Alpha Blockchain Games Editor's picks

Mist NFT Issues Pre Alpha Login Guide

Following the launch of the v0.01 of its pre alpha, Mist NFT is issuing a login guide. In that guide, it highlights information regarding downloading the game, connecting and playing it. This comes after an earlier release of a pre-launch checklist. With this tutorial, anyone will be able to easily play the game.

The Mist NFT Pre Alpha Login Guide

Start by downloading the game files here: https://mist.game/download/mist.zip. After which you will proceed to extract the .zip file and run the installer (.exe). Once the installation is complete, take following steps:

  • Tick the terms and conditions, then click on the “Accept” button.
  • Click on the server button and select the one that is close to your location.
  • Select “Accept” after choosing the right server. Then proceed to login.


  • Click on login to proceed.
  • Once you attempt to login, there will be a browser pop-up requesting that you link the account to your wallet. Ensure that it has a BSC network and connect to that network.
  • After completing this process, return to the game window. If this is your first time, you will be asked to create an account.
  • At this point, you will have to enter your “Account Name”. Kindly note that this does not represent your in-game character.
  • After inputting this detail, click on “JOIN”. Once you do this, you should see your connected wallet at the top corner.
  • When you have access to gameplay, you can start by creating a character. Note that you can only create characters for NFTs that you have. In a case where you do not have an asset, you can also create an “Adventurer”.

Other Details

Keyboard Controls in the Mist Pre Alpha

Mist NFT also issued a gameplay control guide that players can use when gaming. Ensure to check it out before you begin playing, to enable you have the best user experience.

The first phase of this testnet will only be available for 48 hours (till the 12 of May). After which the dev team will make an assessment and decide to add the next set of features. Although it gave an insight as to the next steps, it did not reveal when the v0.02 will go live.

As mentioned during the checklist, players should ensure to report every issue they come across. They should also use the right command when the game freezes. Simply type /unstuck in the chat box. This will take their in-game character to a safe point where they can resume playing.

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