Conquer the Faraland PvP Tournament: All about NFT Warriors and the Competition
Blockchain Games Editor's picks NFT

Faraland: The Era of Legionnaire New Season starts Today

In the vast universe of blockchain gaming, Faraland emerges as an exciting multiplayer RPG based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain, offering players a unique experience by allowing them to own thousands of unique NFT warriors.

These Non-Fungible Tokens are exceptional, indivisible and non-exchangeable digital assets, which represent unique warriors within the game.

Faraland’s main emphasis lies on the collection, training and strategic battle of these brave warriors.

Their next big-name event, thePvP Tournament – The Era of Legionnaire“, is scheduled to take place from January 9, 2024 to January 16, 2024 .

During this week, players will have the opportunity to face off in PVP battles, competing for a share of the prize pool of 45,685 FARA, which will be distributed among the top finishers in the tournament.

The Faraland tournament establishes strict rules to ensure the integrity of the game

Emphasizing a strict ban on bug exploitation, individuals caught exploiting bugs will face severe penalties of 100 ELO deducted from their ranking.

Additionally, players are encouraged to join guilds before the start of the tournament for additional rewards, although changing guilds during the event will reset their ELO score to 2000.

The ELO-based ranking system organizes players into distinct groups according to their standings on the leaderboard.

Players are categorized and grouped based on their ELO scores to ensure balanced competition and fair matchups within their respective tiers.

Battles can only take place within these groups during specific time slots throughout the day.

The amount of ELO gained or lost per match depends on the difference between the players ELO levels.

In Faraland, NFTs are not only valuable digital resources, but also the essence of the game, representing the strength and skill of players in the PvP tournament and other in-game activities.

The combination of these elements creates a competitive, challenging and rewarding environment for blockchain gaming enthusiasts.

Faraland offers an exciting battle world where players can collect, train and fight with unique NFT warriors.

Their upcoming PvP tournament promises to be an exciting opportunity for players to demonstrate their strategic skill and secure a place among the best to claim their well-deserved reward at FARA.

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